Old Tjikko


  1. by Henning Knudsen
  2. published 2019
Old Tjikko, as you see him in the photographs in this book, with his trunk and branches, is about 5-600 years old. However, the team, which investigated Old Tjikko and similar trees nearby, found that parts of Old Tjikko’s root system can be dated back even further. When carbon-14 dating was applied ...
Old Tjikko2023-03-13T14:03:02+01:00

Balanced Contradictions


  1. by Irene Ramón
  2. published 2018
Nicolai Howalt is a photographer with a particular interest in science. Using contradictions to find balance, his artwork is based on what comes from nature but is transformed by man. We talk about his work, mostly inspired by scientific phenomena and human instinct, as well as his new book and some ...
Balanced Contradictions2023-03-13T14:03:29+01:00

Light and Star Dust


  1. by Anja C. Andersen
  2. published 2017
Tycho Brahe was primarily engaged in alchemy, but on the eleventh of November 1572 he noticed a new star in the stellar constellation Cassiopeia. He described the appearance of the new star as “the greatest wonder to have appeared in nature since the formation of the world”. ...
Light and Star Dust2023-03-13T14:03:29+01:00

Old Tjikko


  1. by Sophie Pucill
  2. published 2017
Exceptionally old spruces (Picea abies) have become documented in connection with an extensive research project carried out in the Scandes of northern Sweden. The main objective is to increase our understanding and predictability of alpine / subalpine landscape. ...
Old Tjikko2023-03-13T14:03:30+01:00

On Seeing the Invisible


  1. by Sophie Pucill
  2. published 2017
Exceptionally old spruces (Picea abies) have become documented in connection with an extensive research project carried out in the Scandes of northern Sweden. The main objective is to increase our understanding and predictability of alpine / subalpine landscape. ...
On Seeing the Invisible2023-03-13T14:03:30+01:00



  1. by Bodil Johanne Monrad
  2. published 2016
Art and science tries to understand the world in different ways. Where science examine, measure and seek anchorage in the real world and in those things that can be methodically observed, art does not restrict itself to the knowledge we rationally agree on. ...

Bevægelser mod det abstrakte


  1. by Kristine Kern
  2. published 2017
Når man ser Nicolai Howalts praksis fra oven, kan den ses som en bevægelse mod en stadig større grad af abstraktion, hvor hans praksis spænder over både dokumentar og konceptuelt fotografi, bøger og installationer. ...
Bevægelser mod det abstrakte2023-03-13T14:04:23+01:00

Vrid af det synlige og det usynlige


  1. by Kirstine Autzen
  2. published 2016
I de senere års diskussioner af fænomenet ”kunstnerisk forskning” er spørgsmål som Hvordan produceres viden? Hvordan formuleres viden og hvordan anvendes viden? ...
Vrid af det synlige og det usynlige2023-03-13T14:04:25+01:00

With the light!


  1. by Ion Meyer
  2. published 2015
Light has always been associated with life and health. Life and vitality became central themes during the period of upheaval that concluded the 19th century. ...
With the light!2023-03-13T14:04:26+01:00

Towards the Light


  1. by Henning Knudsen
  2. published 2019
Artifact: A visible sign of the process by which an image is made. Light Break presents an innovative body of work by contemporary Danish photographer, Nicolai Howalt (1970 - ), exploring convergences between aesthetic and therapeutic interests in light. ...
Towards the Light2023-03-13T14:04:26+01:00
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