
  1. book release
  2. 11/10/22 — 31/10/30
  3. Politikens bogforlag

Encyclopedia ORD
I contribute the word Sun, in a work from Light Break in the Encyklopædien ORD together with 200 other Danish artists, photographers, writers and journalists.

Over 200 prominent Danes contribute to new work that celebrates the Danish language.

What happens when you ask a large number of Denmark’s most interesting voices to interpret a word that means something special to them? That question is the starting point for ORD, and the result is a wild and experimental collection of texts and artworks that are as diverse as the actors themselves.

They are everything from authors and songwriters to researchers and satirists. From painters and business leaders to activists, politicians and press photographers. And there are both the young and the heavy: Read what the singer MØ understands by the word “longing”, what cardiologist Oliver Bundgaard Vad wants to say about “heart” and what feelings Morten Pape has for “bajer”. How archaeologist Jeanette Varberg interprets “völve”, what writer Dy Plambeck thinks about “beech”, and what “desert” means to Puk Damsgård. Discover how artist Maja Malou Lyse illustrates “speculum”, how painter John Kørner interprets “problem”, and which motif photographer Henrik Saxgren associates with “alluvial cone”. And much much more.

WORD is a poetic and polyphonic tribute to the language that can divide and unite, provoke and inspire, make us hate and make us love. It is a work that the reader can explore, amuse and perhaps even be seduced by. Not unlike language itself.