About Nicolai Howalt

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So far Nicolai Howalt has created 166 blog entries.

Group exhibition – exhibition at C/O Berlin


  1. exhibition
  2. 29/09/18 — 02/12/18
  3. C/O Berlin Amerika Haus
The 19th century in the 21st century at C/O Berlin features a selection of outstanding artworks from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, drawn from both public and private collections.
Group exhibition – exhibition at C/O Berlin2023-04-21T14:53:54+02:00

Old Tjikko


  1. by Sophie Pucill
  2. published 2017
Exceptionally old spruces (Picea abies) have become documented in connection with an extensive research project carried out in the Scandes of northern Sweden. The main objective is to increase our understanding and predictability of alpine / subalpine landscape. ...
Old Tjikko2023-03-13T14:03:30+01:00

On Seeing the Invisible


  1. by Sophie Pucill
  2. published 2017
Exceptionally old spruces (Picea abies) have become documented in connection with an extensive research project carried out in the Scandes of northern Sweden. The main objective is to increase our understanding and predictability of alpine / subalpine landscape. ...
On Seeing the Invisible2023-03-13T14:03:30+01:00

New book


  1. book release
  2. 18/04/18
  3. Bornholms Art Museum
By looking down I see up. By looking up I see down. The unique work of Nicolai Howalt offers the viewer an almost intimate iconography of human existence at its most basic level.
New book2023-04-21T15:12:52+02:00



  1. by Bodil Johanne Monrad
  2. published 2016
Art and science tries to understand the world in different ways. Where science examine, measure and seek anchorage in the real world and in those things that can be methodically observed, art does not restrict itself to the knowledge we rationally agree on. ...

Selvspejlinger 1 – Esbjerg Art Museum


  1. group exhibition
  2. 10/02/18
  3. Esbjerg Art Museum
Med udstillingen sætter vi på flere niveauer fokus på fænomenet selvspejlinger. Gennem både indlånte værker og markante værker fra museets samling udfoldes spejlingerne på forskellige måder, rammesat af to store installationer.
Selvspejlinger 1 – Esbjerg Art Museum2023-04-21T14:53:04+02:00

Back to the Future


  1. group exhibition
  2. 19/01/18
  3. Back to the Future
Spanning a dialogue between contemporary positions and those of the nineteenth century, the exhibition Back to the Future displays what the photographic medium was, what it is, and what it will be in the near future.
Back to the Future2023-04-21T11:08:45+02:00

De travers – Review in Slash magazine


  1. art review
  2. 13/12/17
  3. Slash magazine
De Travers – GALERIE MARIA LUND – Né de l’envie commune d’établir un dialogue physique entre leurs œuvres, la galerie Maria Lund offre au photographe Nicolai Howalt et au plasticien Esben Klemann l’espace pour faire matière.
De travers – Review in Slash magazine2023-04-21T14:52:06+02:00

Cool, Calm and Collected


  1. published by:
  2. ARoS
  3. 2017
Cool, Calm and Collected. The exhibition showcases the aestheticizing tendency evident in many Danish artists over the course of the last fifteen years.
Cool, Calm and Collected2023-03-13T14:04:23+01:00
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