1. workshop
    2. 08/08/25
    3. Nicolai Howalt
    SOMMERWORKSHOP med NICOLAI HOWALT I UGE 32. Et kursus for både erfarne og amatører, som har lyst til at udforske og udvikle sit fotografi og billedsprog.
    1. exhibition
    2. 25/05/24
    3. Enigma Museum
    ENIGMA acquires new artwork by renowned Danish artist Nicolai Howalt.
    1. exhibition
    2. 25/05/24
    3. Planetarium
    In a time of great technological leaps and climatic upheavals, Mars represents the next steppingstone for humanity’s expansion into space.
    1. exhibition
    2. 18/04/24
    3. Xx Nihilo
    It is in the transience of the material that the images arise, and together they form a visual archive of the material's own journey through time.
    1. workshop
    2. 07/01/24
    3. Studio Nicolai Howalt
    SOMMERWORKSHOP med NICOLAI HOWALT I UGE 32. Et kursus for både erfarne og amatører, som har lyst til at udforske og udvikle sit fotografi og billedsprog.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 1/12/23 — 28/01/24
    3. Den Frie Udstillingsbygning
    Grønningen er en af de ældste og største kunstnersammenslutninger i Danmark. Siden 1915 har medlemmerne årligt præsenteret, hvad de aktuelt arbejder med og er optaget af. Som noget særligt i år præsenterer Grønningen.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 7/10/23 — 7/01/24
    3. Fuglsang Artmuseum
    The autumn's big special exhibition at Fuglsang Kunstmuseum examines how hunting as a concept, logic, practice and view of nature is produced in Danish art from the end of the 1700th century to the present day.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 10/10/23 — 21/01/24
    3. BnF, Site Richelieu
    Épreuves de la Matière, In connection with the issue of the ecology of images raised by the Épreuves de la Matière exhibition, a round table gives the floor to photographers whose works are kept in the collections of the Department of Prints and Photography.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 22/09/23 — 22/10/23
    3. Fotografihuset
    All the Whisperings of the World, is a group exhibition at Fotografihuset at Sukkerbiten is showing four artists who, in their own way, thematize the relationship between nature and human identity.
    1. solo exhibition
    2. 02/09/23 — 11/11/23
    3. umbrella exhibitions
    A world that is normally invisible to the naked eye, but as important to life on Earth as sunlight or oxygen. Not only are fungi indispensable to the planet's ecosystem, they may also hold the key to treating ailments and potentially solving some of our most pressing environmental problems.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 25/08/23 — 22/10/23
    3. fotografiskcenter
    Historically, photography is associated with its special ability to capture time and to depict and ensure a manifestation of reality. However, photography is not only distinguished by its visibility and longevity, but also by the opposite, namely disappearances, absence and transience.
    1. art fair
    2. 24/08/23 — 27/08/23
    3. enter art fair 23
    The 2023 edition marks Enter Art Fair’s fifth year anniversary and will bring the international art world together in a specially-curated celebration from 24 – 27 August.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 11/08/23 — 09/09/23
    3. martin asbæk gallery
    Martin Asbæk Gallery annual summer show Summer in the City, bringing the summer to a close before taking the leap into a new season of openings, art fairs and festivals.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 01/04/23 — 29/10/23
    3. Skovhuset
    Terra: Resonans’ dykker ned i menneskets genfundne interesse for naturen i kølvandet på corona, klimaforandringer og biodiversitetskrise. Her står naturen som modvægt til vores fortravlede liv og er ikke blot er en ressource, der skal understøtte menneskets forbrug.
    1. workshop
    2. 23/02/23
    3. Studio Nicolai Howalt
    SOMMERWORKSHOP med NICOLAI HOWALT I UGE 26. Et kursus for både erfarne og amatører, som har lyst til at udforske og udvikle sit fotografi og billedsprog.
    1. catalogue, nomination
    2. 19/02/23
    3. Musee Elýsee
    SPECIAL EDITION PRIX ELYSÉE 2022-2024 Published by Photo Elysée, eight books individually present the projects of the nominees of the Prix Elysée 2022-2024:
    1. group exhibition
    2. 05/11/22 — 29/01/23
    3. Landskrona Foto
    Snowflakes, vegetation and human reliance on and the intervention of nature are at the heart of this Nordic exhibition. Curator by Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir.
    1. event
    2. 28/11/22 — 05/12/22
    3. Fabrikbooks
    Support your local artist and join us at @fabrikbooks for a xmas afternoon next sunday Dec 4 at 14-17. @nicolaihowalt and I will be serving gløgg and signing books, posters.
    1. book release
    2. 11/10/22 — 31/10/30
    3. Politikens bogforlag
    I contribute the word Sun, in a work from Light Break in the Encyklopædien ORD together with 200 other Danish artists, photographers, writers and journalists.
    1. book release
    2. 12/09/22
    3. Martin Asbæk Gallery
    3. November 2022 16:00 - 18:00 Book Launch & Signing of Nicolai Howalt’s newest publication A Journey: The Near Future at Martin Asbæk Gallery.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 08/08/22
    3. Ringsted Galleri
    Til hver udstilling i jubilæumsprogrammet forbindes Ringsted Galleriets lange, fine udstillingshistorie med den nyeste samtidskunst.
    1. nomination
    2. 06/07/22
    3. Arles
    The Prix Elysée is an international prize that supports photographic production and encourages mid-career photographers or artists from around the world to forge a new project, on a theme of their choice.
    1. commissions
    2. 24/05/22
    3. London & Paris
    I made in collaboration with ACNE their Campaign for SS22 Musubi Bags in the spring of 2022. The sculpture is made by US artist Jessie Reaves
  • Photo: Axel Fried / Courtesy: Nicolai Howalt & Galerie Maria Lund

    1. Solo exhibition
    2. 2/05/22 — 10/07/22
    3. Galerie maria lund
    Specimens brings together four series of works that the photographer Nicolai Howalt has been creating since 2019 – Old Tjikko, Algae, Fasciations and Microscope/Preparation.
    1. type: group exhibition
    2. date: 20/04/22
    3. event: L'Ancienne Nonciature
    The moon is mankind's eternal light source. It has been illuminating and guiding us since the dawn of time. We observe the orb, whose trajectory gives rhythm to life.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 21/01/22 — 13/03/22
    3. Fotografisk Center
    Snowflakes, vegetation and human intervention in nature are at the core of the exhibition Snowflakes and Other Surprises, which presents work by 16 artists from Iceland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.
    1. solo exhibition
    2. 21/01/22 — 26/02/22
    3. Martin Asbæk Gallery
    In the exhibition A Journey: The Near Future, photo-based artist Nicolai Howalt depicts our yet-to-be-explored, red neighbour, about 63 million kilometers away.
    1. award
    2. 03/12/21
    3. Aage & Yelva Nimbs Fond
    Recipients of The Aage & Yelva Nimbs Fond honorary grants of DKK 100,000 due to the work "Variation of Old Tjikko"
    1. group exhibition
    2. 21/01/22 — 26/03/22
    3. HANGAR
    Hangar proposes, in the context of PhotoBrussels Festival 06, a large exhibition: In the Shadow of Trees. The exhibition brings together twenty photographic projects,
    1. art fair
    2. 10/11/21 — 14/11/21
    3. Grand Palais Éphémère
    Martin Asbæk is joining the next edition of Paris Photo which is held November 11 through 14, 2021 at the Grand Palais Éphémère, designed by the architects Wilmotte & Associés.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 11/09/21
    3. Den Frie Udstillingsbygning
    The artists’ association Grønningen has alway been known for its diversity, openness and often large scale. Grønningen is presenting works by 38 members as well as by 3 invited guest artists.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 28/08/21
    3. Fotografisk Center
    Photographic Center has invited Professor Mette Sandbye to reflect and look back with us on the last three decades of Danish art photography. The exhibition "In reality - Photographic Center 25 years"
    1. group exhibition
    2. 28/06/21 — 31/07/21
    3. Martin Asbæk Gallery
    Summer in the City. True to tradition, Martin Asbæk Gallery is presenting the yearly group exhibition Summer in the City opening Friday 2nd July. From 3pm - 6 pm.
    1. news
    2. 08/05/21
    3. Studio Nicolai Howalt
    New studio / atelier for Nicolai Howalt and Fabrikbooks based in the legendary area of Copenhagen in Islandsbrygge, Sturlasgade 14 J st.th.
    1. featured
    2. 01/04/21 — 08/05/29
    3. Verk
    I varje människa finns det ett träd, och i varje träd finns det en människa. Jag känner det, trädet vandrar i människan…. (Artur Lundkvist)
    1. group exhibition
    2. 21/04/21 — 24/10/21
    3. Copenhagen Contemporary
    In a year characterised by great international sporting events, both nationally and internationally, CC kicks off with a major group exhibition entitled Art of Sport.
    1. award
    2. 07/12/20 — 30/12/20
    3. Statens Kunstfond
    BEST EXHIBITIONS OF THE YEAR In 2020, have The Danish Art Foundation awarded 11 exhibitions that revolve around identity, existence and time.
    1. release, catalogue
    2. 18/11/20 — 20/11/20
    3. Arthritis hospital
    Nicolai Howalt was recently commissioned to incorporate works from his photographic series Light Break at the Danish Arthritis Association in Sønderborg
    1. solo exhibition
    2. 13/11/20 — 21/02/21
    3. Medicinsk Museion
    Science attempts to contain the chaos of epidemics by capturing bacteria and diseased bodies in microscope slides, vaccines and quarantines. The exhibition displays objects from the history of epidemics.
    1. award
    2. 09/10/20 — 26/11/20
    3. Det Kgl. Bibliotek
    The jury has selected the Best Book Work of the Year 2020. All the selected books will be exhibited on Kirkebybroen at the Royal Library, together with this year's special exhibition, "Dream Books".
    1. award
    2. 18/09/20 — 18/12/20
    3. The Angry Bat
    The book Old Tjikko by Nicolai Howalt grasps the open call theme of changing realities, the perception of borders and the notion of reality on different levels at the same time.
    1. exhibition
    2. 16/09/20 — 03/10/20
    3. Budapest Park
    With the installation of the work of the Danish artist Nicolai Howalt entitled Old Tjikko, which exhibits photobook-based works, will be presented for the first time in Budapest Park.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 12/09/20 — 09/10/20
    3. Apartment of art
    You are in my Wave ll Wahrend sich die erste Ausstellung vorwiegen auf Sound (Schallwelle) als Medium konzentrierte, steht bei You are in my Wave ll die Photographie (Lichtwelle) im Focus.
    1. art fair
    2. 27/08/20 — 30/08/20
    3. Tunnel Factory
    Enter Art Fair is a new and ambitious international art fair in the Nordics. As the first of its kind Enter Art Fair and Artland combines the well-known art fair format with a state-of-the-art digital art fair experience.
    1. exhibition, solo exhibition
    2. 27/08/20 — 24/08/21
    3. Nikolaj Kunsthal
    In the exhibition Variations of Old Tjikko you can get artistically closer to the oldest cloned tree in the world. On a trip to Fulufjället Nationalpark in Dalarna in Sweden, Howalt took a range of photos of the 9.550 year old tree called ’Old Tjikko’.
    1. talk
    2. 28/07/20 — 28/07/20
    3. Helenekilde badehotel
    Thomas Asbæk talks to Nicolai Howalt about his practice. Get closer to the art and the artist. Here you have to ask everything you want.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 26/06/20 — 14/08/20
    3. Martin Asbæk Gallery
    The 2020 version of Summer in the City comprises a wide array of media, including painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, and video.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 05/03/20 — 19/04/20
    3. DEN FRIE
    Renderings is an exhibition that deals with matters moving on the edge of our perception. Matters, that can be understood on a theoretical level, but which otherwise seem intangible.
    1. commissions
    2. 17/02/20
    3. Danish Rheumatism Hospital
    The Danish artist, Nicolai Howalt’s Light Break adorns the walls of Dansk Gigthospital, the Danish hospital for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Located in Sønderborg in the south of Denmark
    1. Exhibition GRØNNINGEN
    2. 17/01/20 — 16/02/20
    3. Copenhagen Ø
    Rich in traditions, Grønningen is one of Denmark’s largest artist cooperatives, and has always presented great names. Grønningen mixes generations, media and styles.
    1. Exhibition MIGRATION
    2. 16/11/19 — 11/01/20
    3. Galerie Maria Lund, Paris
    Migration is a word that is omnipresent in our contemporary lives: Movement happens out of necessity, under pressure, because of a simple desire or is the result of physiological or genetic parameters.
    1. Book release, Old Tjikko
    2. 04/11/19 — 09/09/20
    3. PARIS PHOTO 2019
    Old Tjikko, a tree an a single negative has become the many different photographs in this book: a total number of 96 variations created on approximately 96 different types of aged analogue light-sensitive photo papers.
    1. Release, Old Tjikko
    2. 31/10/19 — 19/11/19
    3. Martin Asbæk Gallery
    Containing 97 unique images made from the same photographic negative, Nicolai Howalt has created a mesmerising artist’s book like no other. It’s a book about the oldest living organism known to man and a book about the instability of the photographic image.
    1. Exhibition
    2. 06/06/19 — 16/06/19
    3. Carlsberg Byens Galleri
    This exhibition is part of a larger showcasing in Carlsberg Byens Galleri og Kunstsalon. There are in total 6 exhibition and one filmfestival. You can find links to the other exhibitions at the end of this paragraph
    1. group exhibition
    2. 09/02/18
    3. Brandts
    Brandts’ vast collection of photographs is presented in new and surprising constellations. Divided into eight thematic categories, the collection showcases the work of no fewer than 100 artists, each with their own unique approach to capturing their subjects through the camera lens.
    1. Groupe Exhibition
    2. 31/01/19 — 17/03/19
    3. MaiI Manó House, Budapest
    Back to the Future. The 19th Century in the 21st Century which focuses on the work of contemporary artists who employ techniques, methods, processes and themes that in one way or another resemble those of early nineteenth-century photographers.
    1. Groupe Exhibition
    2. 02/02/19 — 06/04/19
    3. Gl. Strand Kunstforening
    40 Danish contemporary artists from Grønningen will exhibit for the first time in the Kunstforeningen GL STRAND. All this is just what you can experience when GRØNNINGEN occupies all three floors of GL STRAND.
    1. Group exhibition
    2. 25/11/18 — 19/05/19
    3. Bornholms Kunstmuseum
    The exhibition presents a selection of the museum's large and diverse collection of art on paper, created by some of the most prominent artists in Danish art history.
    1. Featured
    2. 01/11/18 — 01/03/19
    3. EXIT Magazine no. 72
    We live in a moment in which masculinity faces new questions and a deep reflection on what it means to be a man. Masculinity is a construction, a technology of gender, a polarity and an open question.
    1. Art fair
    2. 01/11/19 — 01/03/19
    3. EXIT Magazine no. 72
    1. group exhibition
    2. 28/09/18 — 28/10/18
    3. Store Kongensgade 118
    Ideen bag “Collaborations” er at bruge vores erfaringer, oplevelser og netværk til at skabe en vedkommende og eksklusiv privat samling - og gøre den fuldstændig tilgængelig for alle der har lyst til at se med.
    1. interview
    2. 17/09/18
    3. Metal Magazine
    I'm just a curious person who tries to get wiser on the world quite literally. So one can say I use art as an excuse for a lot of unreasonable trials and studies.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 10/08/18
    3. Martin Asbæk Gallery
    True to tradition Martin Asbæk Gallery invites you to this year's Summer in the City.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 09/06/18
    3. Esbjerg Kunstmuseum
    Hvad sker der med oplevelsen af et kunstværk, når det indsættes i nye sammenhænge? Hvordan kan en udstilling fungere som en proces i stedet for et færdigt udsagn? Og hvordan kan vores spejling i kunsten åbne for nye dimensioner, som vi måske ikke så før?
    1. group exhibition
    2. 07/06/18
    3. Carlsberg Byens Galleri & Kunstsalon
    The exhibition plays with visual takes on the world and tries to connect different artists pieces, to tell the story about the fragmented values that exists everywhere – when you just look closely!
    1. featured
    2. 04/06/18
    3. www.yvonmagazine.com
    Suzanne Brøgger sagde engang, at vi tørster efter succes og kun vægter det, der lykkes. Men vi er også nødt til at opleve fejlen, nederlaget, tristessen. For uden de sider opnår vi aldrig helheden.
    1. featured
    2. 12/05/18
    3. featured in Berliner Zeitung
    Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann? Nicolai Howalt porträtierte für seine Arbeit „Boxer“ Jungen unmittelbar vor und nach ihren Kämpfen.
    1. award
    2. 08/05/18
    3. The Israel Museum
    SIPEP2018: The Last Photograph The Shpilman International Prize for Excellence in Photography at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
    1. featured
    2. 26/04/18
    3. kunsten.nu
    Den 26. april åbner Martin Asbæk Gallery dørene op for en ny udstilling af Nicolai Howalt, hvis fotografiske arbejde denne gang undersøger og hylder fænomenet pareidolia.
    1. release
    2. 05/05/18
    3. Plethora Magazine
    In 2015 the legacy of Niels Finsen was revived when Danish artist Nicolai Howalt, in collaboration with Medical Museion, Copenhagen, initiated an artistic reinterpretation of Finsen’s research, resulting in the release of “Light Break”, 2015.
    1. featured
    2. 28/04/18
    3. Politiken Newspaper Culture section
    An exciting introduction to my new exhibition "An Ode to Pareidolia" at Martin Asbæk Gallery in Politiken culture section.
    1. featured
    2. 16/05/18
    3. Cover at John Freeman's – Power
    A new kind of list, and an aesthetic manifesto for our times. They are shaping the literary conversation right now and will continue to have an impact for years to come.
    1. solo exhibition
    2. 26/04/18 — 02/06/18
    3. Martin Asbaek Galleri
    On 26 April Martin Asbæk Gallery opens its doors to a new exhibition by Nicolai Howalt, whose photographic work this time explores and pays tribute to the phenomenon pareidolia.
    1. featured
    2. 05/04/18 — 18/04/18
    3. New York Magazine
    BOXER covering New York Magazine March 5–18, 2018. New York Magazine’s cover for the March 5–18, 2018.
    1. exhibition
    2. 29/09/18 — 02/12/18
    3. C/O Berlin Amerika Haus
    The 19th century in the 21st century at C/O Berlin features a selection of outstanding artworks from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, drawn from both public and private collections.
    1. book release
    2. 18/04/18
    3. Bornholms Art Museum
    By looking down I see up. By looking up I see down. The unique work of Nicolai Howalt offers the viewer an almost intimate iconography of human existence at its most basic level.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 10/02/18
    3. Esbjerg Art Museum
    Med udstillingen sætter vi på flere niveauer fokus på fænomenet selvspejlinger. Gennem både indlånte værker og markante værker fra museets samling udfoldes spejlingerne på forskellige måder, rammesat af to store installationer.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 19/01/18
    3. Back to the Future
    Spanning a dialogue between contemporary positions and those of the nineteenth century, the exhibition Back to the Future displays what the photographic medium was, what it is, and what it will be in the near future.
    1. art review
    2. 13/12/17
    3. Slash magazine
    De Travers – GALERIE MARIA LUND – Né de l’envie commune d’établir un dialogue physique entre leurs œuvres, la galerie Maria Lund offre au photographe Nicolai Howalt et au plasticien Esben Klemann l’espace pour faire matière.
    1. featured
    2. 30/11/17
    3. Helmut Lang
    Photographed by the Danish visual artist Nicolai Howalt – who is known for his works “Boxer” & “Light Break”
    1. exhibition
    2. 09/11/17
    3. Grand Palais
    Paris Photo gains both quality and prestige the high standards of the galleries’ select lead to exceptionel sales at the Grand Palais from 9th to 12th November.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 25/11/17
    3. ARoS Museum
    Cool Calm and Collected is a group exhibition at AROS (Aarhus Museum of Modern Art) focusses on the scandinavian contemporary artists.
    1. group exhibition
    2. 27/01/17
    3. Tampa Museum of Art
    Who Shot Sports: A Photographic History, 1843 to the Present includes work by Richard Avedon, Al Bello, David Burnett & Nicolai Howalt. The exhibition is organized by the Brooklyn Museum and curated by Gail Buckland & Benjamin Menschel.
    1. release
    2. 16/08/16
    3. Mads Nørgaard, Amagertorv 13 - 15
    We are pleased to announce our cooperation with the Danish artist Nicolai Howalt. Together we have created two t-shirts and a sweatshirt for our men's collection with the press of his work "Light Break". Nicolai Howalt is inspired by the light therapeutic methods in his work that show the light from the sun's ultra and blue violet rays, which are usually invisible to the human eye. During the Copenhagen Fashion Week, Nicolai Howalt's work will be exhibited in our men's store at Amagertorv 15.
    1. featured
    2. 20/05/16
    3. Interview at Luisiana Channel
    What We Become Artist and photographer Nicolai Howalt here takes us through a selection of his spellbinding work, including photos of young boxers before and after their first match, abandoned car accidents and starry formations of ashes left behind after a cremation.
    1. interview
    2. 07/05/15
    3. The light eyes can't see
    Experience an unusual take on the sun in this video where artist Nicolai Howalt talks about his “anarchistic investigation” of light and the sun.
    1. featured
    2. 17/07/12
    3. From Ashes to Stars
    As beholders of Howalt’s pictures we’re presented with not the body itself but a transposed version of it. A state in which the body is detached from the almost all-embracing cultural, religious and social contexts commonly associated with death.